Don’t Use This Bathroom Mirror Selfie
Use This Professional Photo Instead
The Professional Bio Statement that you are working on for your first major project needs a professional photo that shows readers both what you look like and something about your personality and style. I know that none of you would use a bathroom mirror selfie, but based on what students have submitted in the past, I want to provide some specific guidelines.
So what do you need? Take a photo where you are wearing the kind of clothes that you would wear to work or to an interview. Ring Dance or Wedding photos of you in a tux or formal dress may look nice, but they’re not quite right for this purpose. Everyone who looks at such photos knows that the person was trying to make-do with a photo that was clearly for another purpose.
You will find a lot more useful tips in the step-by-step tutorial in the Hubspot post How to Take Your Own Professional Headshot: A Bookmarkable Guide, which says it takes 15 minutes to read. The article covers everything from how to set up your camera to editing your final choice.
Take advantage of feedback from your writing group as well. If you can’t decide which photo is best, ask them to help you decide.
Photo credits: Self Portrait in Barbados by Jens karlsson on Flickr, used under a CC-BY license, and Me for Lindberg glasses by Jens karlsson on Flickr, used under a CC-BY license.
I believe and correct me if I’m wrong that you can take a professional photo for linked-in or any other purpose at the career center at Virginia Tech. This is a great resource to use in the future. I’ve provided a link from the career center that gives some tips on how to take a professional photo.
Cool tip, Tracy. I didn’t realize that Career Services helped with taking those photos. That’s a great piece of advice to share.
My roommate is not here at the moment. Is it okay if i update the photo tomorrow or sometime this week? I never been the kind of guy who takes a ton photos so i just took a casual photo until I have a better one.
Your professional bio is due Thursday, 12/28, so you still have time to update your photo.
Although I have limited experience in photography, the best way to make your photos look more professional is to take advantage of lighting. The best place to take a photo is outside with an overcast sky or inside by a window taking advantage of natural lighting. You would be surprised how much this simple trick can improve a photo.